mardi 26 novembre 2013

how to eliminate dark circles

The 're looking for a natural mixture to remove the blackness under your eyes ? And want to get rid of the blackness that appears under the eyes naturally and safely ? , Here's this natural mixture that helps in the treatment of black under the eyes easily and without any side effects .

Components of the mixture remove blackness under the eyes :
• teaspoon yeast

• teaspoon starch

• ½ teaspoon of olive oil mixture

• half teaspoon sesame oil

• half teaspoon honey well-made

How to prepare sauce :
Mix the yeast , starch with olive oil , sesame , honey and then put the mixture on the area under the eyes without touching the eyelids for a period of 30 minutes, then wash your face with lukewarm water .

Repeat this mixture to remove the blackness under your eyes for 3 weeks and will feel a marked improvement in this area .

Try the mix now and do not forget to tell us about the results on your skin , Join us think .

Recall thatdark circel under the eyes that you see are not caused by congenital factors, but is due to postnatal factors that you need to be sensible. Thisdark circel condition is related to each and the habits and lifestyle of each, so if you see one in the face dark circel, it is essential that you take the time to distinguish what is causing the problem. Perhaps the best thing to do is to check the way you live your life. People who used to stay up late , while snuff , and people who are poor cleaning around the eyes are the people who are likely to have this problem. Well, in case you are among those who have this, the big question now is " how to remove dark dark circel "

Among the options you can try are :

* Apply honey

Be sure to wash your face first. Make it a point that the water does not dry completely on your face because you want it to dry naturally . After that, fresh honey can be applied around the dark circel . Again, you can begin to massage the areas with the use of the palm in a move clockwise to the order of a few minutes. Be very careful not to damage the eyes. When finished , wash your face with clean water. Then , use a face cream without chemicals. Be sure to do the above steps every day until you see dark circles begin to fade . In fact , the process on how to remove dark circel takes time and perseverance.

* Apply Apple Rings

You can try to cut the slices of juicy apples, then spread around thedark circelfor about 15 minutes. Do this process until dark circles disappear from your face. This trick is required to give a very good effect and it is certainly a juicy way on how to remove dark circles .

* Apply potato rings

You can peel the potatoes , then cut into 2 cm thick each . Place them on your eyes dark circelfor about 5 minutes. If necessary , you can always repeat the steps. This is a fun thing to go when you want fried sweet potatoes later!

Now that you know the tricks on how to remove ddark circel. You can say goodbye to the problem in no time dark circel

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