jeudi 21 novembre 2013

What are the benefits of man milk or semen for women??

Semen is one of the largest sources of proteins , vitamins and pure metal , which consume of men 's health

thing a lot .. but this semen is called " water of life " is the magic water that irrigates the woman 's body after

puberty to enjoy the health and vitality .

The most important components of semen are fructose , protein, total of vitamins most important vitamin

b12.b2.a, the most important group of minerals zinc . Zinc .. potassium. Magnesium. Phosphate. Sodium .

. In addition to a range of hormones , enzymes and energy .. ( better than energy drinks )

What you dear wife only feed the man of your favorite flavor four hours before sexual intercourse , so start

production and maximum benefit , you must also feed the man with love and compassion ... and the benefits

 of semen .. The man 's milk , food and medicine for women throughout history and found many drawings

Pharaonic , Roman shows women use men 's milk as a beverage and as a mask for the face in cosmetic

surgery .

Milk is still the man at the moment and around the world a source of food and drug of choice for women.

 It is food for the woman's body , including addition of a natural ingredient granted health and wellness ,

vitality and activity ..

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